
  • Н. А. Юдіна

Ключові слова:

periodontal disease, rheumatoid arthritis, P. gingivalis


In recent years there has been increased interest in establishing links between periodontal disease and a variety of chronic systemic diseases. Periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis are multifactorial diseases having a many common characteristics The aim. To establish the relationship of periodontal disease with rheumatoid arthritis and identify the most important markers for diagnosis Materials and methods. In pilot study were involved 48 patients with periodontal disease. Carried out: a detailed examination of periodontal tissues with capturing information in a map of the state of periodontal tissues in the area of each tooth, radiodiagnostics, genetic diagnosis DNA Pg, Aa, Pi, Tf, Td in the contents of periodontal pockets, biochemical blood, immunological evaluation of anti-CCP enzyme immunoassay. Results. For patients with aggressive periodontitis type III B was more frequent of monoinfection caused by Aa or Tf, which were resistant to antibiotics. DNA diagnostics Pg allowed to establish its existence in 25% of patients. Detailed examination by a rheumatologist passed 30 people. Five patients found to exceed the level of antibodies to cyclic citrullinated peptide (ACCP) and the preclinical stage of rheumatoid arthritis. Conclusions. Direction on inspection to rheumatologist patients with periodontal pathology to the definition biochemical and immunological markers of rheumatoid arthritis substantiated if there is the inflammatory reaction in periodontal tissues and identification Pg in the contents of periodontal pockets, as well as the presence of a genetic predisposition. Require further complex clinical and laboratory research in this direction.


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Як цитувати

Юдіна, Н. А. (2021). ЗАХВОРЮВАННЯ ПАРОДОНТУ І РЕВМАТОЇДНИЙ АРТРИТ: ЕТІОПАТОГЕНЕТИЧНА СХОЖІСТЬ І МОЖЛИВОСТІ РАННЬОЇ ДІАГНОСТИКИ. Інновації в стоматології, (4), 61–64. вилучено із http://www.innovacii.od.ua/index.php/mainjournal/article/view/163

