
  • S.M. Sheverya State Higher Educational Institution “Uzhgorod National University”
  • Yu.O. Melnyk State Higher Educational Institution “Uzhgorod National University”
  • S.V. Kalynchuk Communal Institution of Higher Education “Volyn Medical Institute” of the Volyn Regional Council




local anesthesia, anesthetic, pain, infiltration anesthesia, hematoma


Introduction. Pain is a physiological protective reaction of the body to damage, which reflects the psychophysiological state of a person, which occurs as a result of the influence of excessive or destructive stimuli on the body. At the same time, in dentistry, pain is an important diagnostic criterion, which can be both local and diffuse in nature, and its intensity indicates the activity of the pathological process. Given this, local anesthesia is one of the most common procedures in the dental office, and local anesthetics are among the most frequently used drugs in the daily practice of the dentist. Purpose of the study. To characterize the importance of local anesthesia at a dental appointment, indications for its use and complications that may arise during the procedure. Materials and methods. The research materials were the scientific developments of domestic and foreign researchers. In the course of the research, the bibliosemantic method and structural-logical analysis were used. The methodological basis of the research was a systematic approach. The results. Despite the significant successes of general anesthesia and the use of improved medical preparations, it should be noted that the main method of anesthesia in the daily work of a dentist is still local anesthesia. After all, unlike general anesthesia, local anesthesia is a method of anesthesia by blocking the innervation in the area of surgical intervention, at the same time, it does not require expensive equipment and is not difficult to perform while maintaining the correct execution technique. Conclusions. In the daily practice of a dentist, local anesthesia is an indispensable manipulation, therefore the question of improving the methods of analgesia at the reception is relevant today and requires constant improvement to ensure painless dental interventions taking into account the psychoemotional state, general somatic status, prevention of complications and undesirable results.


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How to Cite

Шеверя, С., Мельник, Ю., & Калинчук, С. (2023). FEATURES OF LOCAL ANESTHESIA AT THE DENTAL OFFICE. Innovation in Stomatology, (4), 83–87. https://doi.org/10.35220/2523-420X/2023.4.15