
  • O. V. Denga
  • O. V. Efremova
  • T. G. Verbitskaya


molecular genetic studies, buccal epithelium, chemical manufacturing, dental disease


Periodontal disease and dental caries as a multifactorial disea se are the result of the interaction of many, both genetic factors and environmental factors. Assessment of individual sensitivity of workers exposed to toxic substances, based on the analysis of polymorphism of genes of xenobiotics biotransformation enzymes seems relevant. The aim of this work was to study the genetic detoxification unit, gene polymorphism of bone metabolism and cytokine genes of chemical production workers. Materials and methods. Workers of chemical production were studied functionally relevant polymorphisms of CYP1A1 gene locus A1506G, NAT2 590A, C481T, P-450 (CYP), GST, Sol1A1 Sp1 G>T, VDR T352C, CTR (CALCR) C1377T, IL1BC3954T, TNF G (- 308) A (rs1800629), IL-6, G (-174) C. Results. Conclusions. Conducted molecular genetic studies on buccal cells from chemical production workers showed the presence of 100 % of violations in the genes of the second phase of detoxification NAT2 (S481T) and gene CTR (C1377T), included in the genetic network of bone metabolism. In 50% of the workers had normal genotype phase I detoxification of CYP1A1, and 30% of the workers were carriers of the gene deletion forms of glutathione transferase GSTM1, leading to inactivation of the enzyme and reduce the body's ability to get rid of harmful compounds. The results indicate the need to develop special methods of preventing major dental diseases among them, taking into account the hereditary and acquired predisposition.


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How to Cite

Дєньга, О. В., Єфремова, О. В., & Вербицька, Т. Г. (2021). MOLECULAR GENETIC EVALUATION OF PREDISPOSITION CHEMICAL WORKERS TO DENTAL DISEASES. Innovation in Stomatology, (4), 56–61. Retrieved from




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